In short
Come and touch 7000 year old ice! Few places can you get closer to the past, unique nature and our cultural history.
Experience thawing permafrost, melting snow fields and 4,000 square feet of a sculptured ice tunnel. Discover the sensational Secrets of the Ice: Artifacts surfacing from the melting ice. Learn about nature, wildlife and climate changes in the highlands.
The climate park is an out door experience in unique nature on the permafrost and snow drifts in Jotunheimen National Park. More than 700 ancient artefacts connected to ancient hunting traditions, have emerged from the melting ice around this snow drift. The ice itself has been measured to be 7000 years old.

Daily guiding:
21th June – 11th July: guided tours at 10.00 AM and 2 PM.
12th July - 10th August: guided tours at 10.00 AM, 12.00 AM and 2 PM.
11th August - 31th August: guided tours at 10.00 AM and 2 PM.
Dress warm and wear hiking boots - this is an outdoor activity 1800 m.a.sl. The temperature in the ice tunnel is around 28 Fahrenheit.
Free for children under age 4.
Dogs are not allowed.
Take the bus to Klimapark 2469:
Tickets and more hours: https://en-tur.no/

World class ice art
The ice tunnel measures almost 4,000 square feet! The walls and interior is shaped and lit by the artist Peder Istad, inspired by Norse mythology. You can visit the Jörmungandr or walk under Yggdrasil, but also wander in rooms like The Diamond, The Climate Archive and The Globe.
A solar panel and a wind turbin makes the tunnel self-supplied with energy.

Combine with the Norwegian Mountain Center
The mountains are full of history and mystery. Get new insights and the best tips for your next mountain hike at the Norwegian Mountain Center. Visit Norway's largest exhibiton of archaological finds from the melting ice in the mountains. Containing Norways oldest shoe, the world's best preserved pair of prehistoric skies with bindings, a 6,100 year old piece of an arrow and Norway's oldest bow. Get a view of four seasons in the National Parks, say hi to the mammoths og get blown away in the weather room.
The center is situated just across the road from Lom Stave Church. If you have a ticket to Klimapark 2469, you get a 30 % discount on the entrance ticket. Check out opening hours and the newest exhibitions at norskfjellsenter.no.

Glacier archaeology
More than 4000 finds have melted out of the ice patches in the Oppland region the last years. This is more than half of such finds melting out in the whole world. Among them are Norway's oldest shoe, Norway's oldest bow and arrow and an almost complete sceleton of a 500-year-old dog. The finds tell about ancient hunting traditions on the wild reindeer, and the Vikings wandering over the moutains towards the sales markeds in the West of Norway. You can see 100 of the finds at The Norwegian Mountain Center in Lom. Read more about the glacier archeologists on secretsoftheice.no.

Hiking to Galdhøpiggen?
Combine your visit in the climate park with a day hike to the highest peak in Norway, Galdhøpiggen (2469 m.a.s.l.). From the mountain lodge Juvasshytta there are guided hikes across the Styggebreen glacier to Galdhøpiggen every day from June to mid September. Remember to book the guided tour in advance. The hike takes about six hours. The view from the top is stunning on days with good weather.