Hours and prices

We offer daily guiding during summer at these hours:
22th June – 1th September: 10.30 AM and 2 PM
Between 13th July - 3th August also tours at 12.00 PM

2th September - 15th September:
Weekdays 10.30am
Weekends 10.30 am and 2 pm

The ice tunnel is only accessible in the summer season with a guide.

Adults: NOK 395
Children: aged 4–18 NOK 215
Family: NOK 885 (parents/guardians with children under 18)
Groups up to 20 people: NOK 4500, included guide

Terms and conditions: The guided tours will be carried out regardless of the weather. Your ticket will not be refunded if you cancel later than three days (72 hours) prior to the starting time. Earlier cancellations will be 100 percent refunded.

Tickets for Klimapark 2469 gives 30 % discount on the entry ticket to the Norwegian Mountain Center in Lom.

You can travel by bus from Lom center to Juvasshytta and the climate park.
Tickets and hours: https://en-tur.no/

